• Nimet
  • Environmental policy

Environmental policy

NIMET management statement regarding quality evironmental, health and safety at work policies

NIMET srl has as fundamental concern the supply of products of a higher quality level promoting an attitude of compliance towards the environment, maintaining and improving an efficient and flexible Integrated Management System in accordance with the standards and legal provisions in force.

We are aware that for our success and to provide qualitative products, we need competent and motivated employees who work in a healthy and safe environment with minimal occupational health and safety risks.

The globalized and highly competitive economic environment determines us to establish and develop sustainable partnerships with our customers and suppliers based on qualitative services and products with the assurance of environmental and occupational safety requirements, necessary to satisfy their standards.

Through the Integrated Management System implemented within the company, we are convinced that we can consolidate successful businesses in accordance with the principle of sustainable development.

NIMET srl undertakes:

  • To maintain and improve an Integrated Management System: Quality, Environment, Health and Safety at work, efficient and flexible in accordance with the standards in force:
    EN ISO 9001:2015, EN ISO 14001:2015 si respectiv EN ISO 45001:2018.
  • To ensure:
    • promoting awareness of requirements at all levels and relevant functions of the organization;
    • necessary resources to implement the strategy and achieve the organization's objectives, resources that refer to personnel, the work environment, information, suppliers, financial resources;
    • prevention of pollution, establishing the impact of the carried-out activities on the environment;
    • prevention of occupational injuries and illnesses, establishing the organization's own risks;
    • monitoring the satisfaction of interested parties: customers, suppliers and partners, end users, owners/investors (shareholders), employees, the public sector, environmental authorities by evaluating the information regarding the degree to which their needs and expectations have been met;
    • safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injuries and illnesses;
    • a framework for establishing OSH objectives;
    • fulfillment of legal and other requirements;
    • elimination of dangers and reduction of OSH risks;
    • continuous improvement of the OSH management system;
    • consultation and involvement of workers and workers' representatives.
  • To analyse at established intervals the adequacy and effectiveness of the Integrated Management System, including policies and objectives, establishing the effects of IMS on profitability, improving processes and reducing costs associated with non-conformities, achieving the organization's performance indicators.

    I commit myself personally and on behalf of my colleagues in the Management of the organization, to ensure all the necessary resources and conditions, for the proper functioning of the Integrated Management System, for the orientation of the organization towards the prevention of environmental pollution and the avoidance of ecological accidents.

    Samy Numan / Managing Director And Founder Nimet